Living The Vision On The Job - Facilitator Kit


A Personal Commitment To Organization-Wide Strategy  

VITAL™ Packaged Training Program features:

  • Curriculum: Topic Specific
  • Objective: Aligned Personal and Organizational Vision
  • Program Length: Half-Day
  • Learning Track: Frontline

Developing and aligning an employee's personal vision, mission, values, and passions with those of their organization is key to an organization's success. By creating emotional ties through its vision—where it is headed; mission—its purpose; and values—how to accomplish them day-to-day; an organization provides employees with a sense of meaning—connecting them to co-workers and their common enterprise. ThroughLiving The Vision On The Job, participants learn how to develop and align their individual goals with the organization's strategy to become more productive and satisfied, both personally and professionally.

The easy-to-use Living The Vision On The Job Facilitator Kit includes materials listed below and must be purchased to order Participant Kits:

Facilitator Guide 
 Presentation (CD or E-Mail Attachment)
Online Tools (CD or E-Mail Attachment) 
Participant Kit